Monday, December 6, 2010

Nicole Perretta The Bird Call Lady On Jay Leno...

Late night TV can be as informative as entertaining.

It was late or should I say early one morning last week when I happen to tune in to a repeat of the Jay Leno show at 3:00 a.m., and saw Nicole Perretta, the ‘bird call’ lady doing some of her famous birdcalls.

It was just my luck that Ms. Perretta gave out with a shrill sounding screech, and then announced that this screeching sound she had just made was the ‘female wild turkey’ looking for the male wild turkey, in the wild.
That sound Ms. Perretta made was very close to the sound we listened to that morning I wrote about in my Blog entry entitled Jurassic Park at Eight In The Morning.

It was indeed the female wild turkey that we were watching in our backyard.
I had observed in an earlier Blog I titled Gobble, Gobble that the group appears to have dwindled down from fifteen (15) to seven (7), six females and one male. When I made the gobble, gobble sound the larger bird, which happened to be the male, broke rank with the females, and walked close to where I was standing in my yard. He diverted his path to my neighbor’s yard, and continued to watch me with interest. When once again I gave out with the gobble, gobble call he gave up his vigil of watching me, and returned to his group of female turkeys because he had satisfied his turkey curiosity that I was not another turkey, well at least most of the time I am not a ‘turkey.’

Ms. Perretta gave out with a gobble, gobble call, and she announced that this was the male wild turkey giving back his answer to the female so the female could find him.
Do only male wild turkeys do the gobble, gobble call in the wild?
Was this why the male turkey was so interested in me that day I let out with the gobble, gobble call?
Did he think that I was another male turkey not just another turkey?

In my last Blog entry entitled An Early Morning Visit From Five Wild Turkeys, I wrote about how when I gave out with a gobble, gobble that just one of the turkeys walking around on my neighbor Jim’s roof answered me back with a gobble, gobble. It makes sense now to me that only ONE wild turkey answered me back that morning. It had to be the one lone male that I have observed with the group of females, that numbered only five in total that morning, who called back to me.

I hope that in the spring 2011 that our wild turkeys increase in number, and I am thinking it would be quite interesting to see turkey chicks scattering around the golf course here looking in the grass for whatever turkey chicks look for.
That link above this line is to Nicole Perretta when she was on the Jay Leno show. Ms. Perretta is an amazing person in her field of endeavor because she uses only her voice to imitate wild birds. Many others, who do wild bird calls use whistles and other sound making contraptions to imitate bird calls.
Nicole Perretta also has a Facebook page.

That’s my report from Paradise for today.

Thanks for reading.

Carol Garnier Dutra

Copyright © 2010 by Carol Garnier Dutra

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